Innovation in Healthcare Products
Service Description
This course is designed to help with the development of pharmaceutical or healthcare technology products. The course is designed to help you: Start a discussion with a relevant partner and/or to take forward an idea into a phase of development that is regulated. Identify appropriate future markets for your idea and how to navigate the regulatory practices that may be applicable. Evaluate risks and prepare safe conditions for the investigation of your idea. This course is an Open Online Course (OOC) and was created and has been adopted from Peoples-uni. It was further developed by Ecorbit Academy. There are four (4) modules to complete, which include: Module 1: Is Your Idea Marketable? Module 2: How do You Choose Partners to Develop the Product? Module 3: How do You Get your Product Fit for Marketing? Module 4: What Happens After Marketing Approval? Approximate time for completion of this course is 5 hours at an average reading rate of 144 words/minute. Engaging with this course To register for this course, complete the registration form. Begin the course with Module 1. For each lesson, read the description. Each lesson comprises introductory remarks. You can click on the collections of resources in each module. There is a forum on each module for reflection, and you will be able to add a new topic or respond to a previous one. You may want to share your learning from this and other readings, comment on the topics from your own experience, comment on others' posts, or provide feedback on how we can improve the content and/or presentation. There is a final quiz to assess your understanding of some important concepts. Click on the hyperlinks to take you to these items in each topic.
Contact Details
158 Pitzer Road, Glen Austin AH, Midrand, South Africa